POLIDEPORTIVO OTROS DEPORTES  Cerrar Publicidad  Gisela Pulido: "He vuelto a ser yo misma, no sabía vivir sin competir"

SPORTS CENTER OTHER SPORTS Close Advertising Gisela Pulido: "I've been myself again, I didn't know how to live without competing"

The Formula Kite, Olympic in Paris 2024, has given him back his motivation.

She has been flying a kitesurfing kite since she was six years old, but Gisela Pulido (Barcelona, ​​1994) feels almost like a beginner despite having won 11 world titles . Since she found out that her sport was going to be Olympic in Paris 2024 -in the speed modality-, it was clear to her that she was going to fight to make her dream of being in the Games come true. After three years without competing, she has recovered her enthusiasm and motivation, and she confesses that she feels like herself again. The champion is back and, in addition,  accompanied .

Read the full interview on Marca.com

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