Planes formativos de la especialidad deportiva de kiteboard

Training plans for the sport of kiteboarding

Royal Decree 1363/2007, of October 24, which establishes the general regulation of special regime sports teachings, determines in its first transitory provision that until the effective implementation of the teachings of a certain sports modality or specialty, the formations promoted by the respective sports federations and by the bodies responsible for sports of the Autonomous Communities may obtain recognition for the purposes of training correspondence, once the official title has been published, as long as they adapt to the provisions of the regulations issued by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.
Order ECD/158/2014, of February 5, which regulates curricular aspects, general requirements and the effects of sports training activities, referred to in the first transitory provision of Royal Decree 1363/2007, of October 24, comes to regulate the curricular aspects of sports training activities referred to in the first transitory provision of RD 1363/2007, of October 24, and organizes them into three levels: level I, level II and level III, forcing them to refer to a training plan for each modality or specialty. This training plan will be established at the proposal of the corresponding Spanish sports federation or the Autonomous Communities or Cities with Autonomy Statute and will develop the specific access requirement, the specific block, the practice period for each level, and where appropriate. , the partial offer of level I.
The existence of a training plan common to all sports training activities of the same level and modality aims to guarantee the homogeneity of the training of sports coaches within the sports system, and to adapt its contents to the objectives established for each level. Article 4 of Order ECD/158/2014, of February 5, allows the flexibility of teaching and make this training compatible with other sports, work or academic activities. In these circumstances and to guarantee the proposed objectives, it seems appropriate, similar to what was established with the common block, to determine the areas of the specific block that can be offered remotely.
In accordance with article 8 of the aforementioned Order, it corresponds to the president of the Higher Sports Council to establish by Resolution the training plan for the specialty at the proposal of the corresponding Spanish federation.
The training plan for levels I and II of the kiteboarding specialty is currently published. The need to update the objectives and contents of levels I and II and to establish those of level III of kiteboard trainer training, make it necessary to modify the published training plan.
For its part, the Royal Spanish Sailing Federation has proposed the training plans for levels I, II and III of the kiteboarding sports specialty, recognized by the Higher Sports Council in accordance with the provisions of article 14 f) of Law 39 /2022, of December 30, of Sports, and in respect of which the corresponding sports teaching titles have not been developed and regulated.
These training plans come to replace the one published by resolution of May 8, 2012, of the Presidency of the Higher Sports Council, and published in the BOE of May 29, 2012.
For all these reasons and within the regulatory framework described, and by virtue of the powers conferred on the Presidency of the Higher Sports Council by article 8 of Order ECD/158/2014, of February 5, I resolve:
First. Object.
The purpose of this Resolution is to establish the training plans for the kiteboarding sports specialty at levels I, II and III, belonging to the sailing sport modality, in accordance with the provisions of article 8 of Order ECD/158/2014 , of February 5.
Second. Code of the training plans of the sport specialty of kiteboarding.
1. Level I: PF-123VEKS02.
2. Level II: PF-223VEKS02.
3. Level III: PF-323VEKS01.
Third. Structure and duration of the training plan of the sport specialty of kiteboarding.
1. The total duration of the specific block of level I is 65 hours.
2. The areas that constitute the specific block of level I, and its minimum duration, are those established in annex I.
3. The level I internship period lasts 150 hours.
4. The total duration of the specific block of level II is 190 hours
5. The areas that constitute the specific block of level II, and its minimum duration, are those established in annex I.
6. The level II internship period lasts 200 hours.
7. The total duration of the specific block of level III is 210 hours
8. The areas that constitute the specific block of level III, and its minimum duration, are those established in annex I.
9. The level III internship period lasts 200 hours.
10. The training objectives and contents of the areas of the specific block, as well as the training objectives and the activities of the internship period for each level are developed in annex I of this resolution.
Room. Specific requirements of the training plan for the sport of kiteboarding.
1. For access to level I sports training activities of the kiteboarding specialty, in addition to the general access requirements, the specific access requirements established in annex I of this resolution must be accredited.
2. The evaluators of the specific access requirements must meet the teaching requirements established in article 14 of Order ECD/158/2014, of February 5.
Fifth. Distance training.
1. The areas likely to be taught at a distance in their entirety or blended will be those reflected in Annex II.
2. The final evaluation for the areas taught at a distance in its entirety will require passing face-to-face tests.
Sixth. Repeal of training plans.
The training plans published by Resolution of May 8, 2012, of the Presidency of the Higher Sports Council, which publishes the training plan for the kiteboarding sports specialty, belonging to the sailing sports modality, are hereby repealed:
1. Level I: 112VEKS01.
2. Level II: 212VEKS01.
Seventh. Area compensation.
The compensation of areas between the training plans PF-112VEKS01 and PF123VEKS02, and between the training plans PF212VEKS01 and PF223VEKS02, is the one established in annex III.
Eighth. Resolution of the procedure.
This Resolution will put an end to the administrative process, and may be optionally appealed in replacement, within a period of one month and before the President of the Higher Sports Council, in accordance with the provisions of article 124 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, in the wording given by Law 4/1999, of January 13, or directly, by filing a contentious-administrative appeal before the Central Administrative Courts, in accordance with the provisions of article 9.c) of Law 29/1998, of July 13, regulating the Contentious-Administrative Jurisdiction, and article 90.4 of Organic Law 6/1985, of July 1, of the Judicial, in the wording given by Organic Law 6/1998, of July 13, within a period of two months from the day following the date of its notification, in accordance with the provisions of article 46.1 of the aforementioned Law 29/1998.
Entry into force.
This Resolution will enter into force the day after its publication in the "Official State Gazette".
Madrid, February 21, 2023.-The President of the Higher Sports Council, José Manuel Franco Pardo.
Note, the document is incomplete in the absence of the Annexes that include everything related to training, hours and agenda.
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