Mitu Monteiro, el legendario kiteboarder caboverdiano, volviĂł a competir con excelentes resultados.

Mitu Monteiro, the legendary Cape Verdean kiteboarder, returned to compete with excellent results.

According to the statements of Motu Montero:
When I decided to return to racing, I had no specific expectations, but I can't deny that I really wanted to get on the podium.
I can't express what it means to me to share the podium with these two talented guys who I consider my little brothers, @matchu_lopes and @airtoncozzolino.
This is our playing field, our place of origin. This is the place where I saw them grow up.
Congratulations to all, but especially to @matchu_lopes, @airtoncozzolino and @pedromatos.
Matchu said in an old video: "I want to be like Mitu." My friend, you have done it. You have succeeded.
Sharing this experience with my three sons, Michael, Matthew, and Malakai, was one of the most exciting things I've ever done.
Thanks to @nicole_and_the_monteiros for supporting me ❤️
Thanks to my country, Cape Verde 🇨🇻
Ponta Preta beach on the island of Sal, Cape Verde, was the scene of the GKA kiteboarding world championship in which Mitu Monteiro, the legendary Cape Verdean kiteboarder, competed again with excellent results.
Mitu did not have high expectations before the event, but he wanted with all his heart to get on the podium, and he did. Not only did he achieve his goal, but he shared the podium with two talented guys he considers his younger brothers, Matchu Lopes and Airton Cozzolino.
For Mitu, Ponta Preta is his home and the place where he has seen these two young talents grow. Sharing the podium with them in his hometown was a very special moment for him.
Furthermore, Mitu also had the opportunity to share this experience with his three children, which made it even more exciting for him.
In his thanks, Mitu did not forget to mention his support team and thank his country, Cape Verde, for all the support provided.
The GKA kiteboarding world championships in Ponta Preta was an exciting event for Mitu Monteiro, who made a successful return to competition and had the opportunity to share the podium with two talented youngsters whom he considers family.
Image and article taken from @mitumonteiro
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